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Англо-русский словарь по электронике - guide


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Guide to the Use of Standards

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См. в других словарях

  1) направляющая || направлять2) направляющая линейка; копир3) справочник, технический справочник; руководство; инструкция (по эксплуатации) || инструктировать; обучать4) вчт. меню, набор инструкций•adjustable guideball guideball-bearing guidebar-stock guidebelt guideblade guideCAD user guidecarbide guidecarbide roller-ring back-up guidescarriage guidechain guidecircular guideclosed guidecross-head guidescylindrical roller guidesdouble-flat guidesdouble-inverted vee guidesdouble V guidesdouble-vee guidesdovetail guidefault-diagnostic guidefiber optic guidefiber optic light guidefinger-bearing guideflat guideshose guideinverted guidesinverted V guidesinverted vee guidesjoint guidelaser beam guidelaser-pole alignment guidelaser wave guidelight guideslinear guidelinear motion guideoperating guideoperating-procedure guidesoptic light guideparallel guidesperipheral guideplunger guidepop-up guideprismatic guidequick-change guideremovable guiderod guideroll guideroller guidesaw guideshaft guideshaper guidesside guidesingle-edge guideslide guideslot guidespaced apart guidesspindle guidesquare guidetapered guidetop guideV guidevee guidewidely spaced guideswire guide ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
   1. noun  1) проводник, гид; экскурсовод  2) руководитель; советчик  3) руководящий принцип  4) путеводитель; руководство; учебник  5) ориентир  6) mil. разведчик  7) tech. направляющая деталь; передаточный рычаг  8) mining обсадная труба  2. v.  1) вести, быть чьим-л. проводником  2) руководить, направлять  3) вести дела, быть руководителем  4) быть причиной, стимулом, основанием Syn: conduct, direct, lead, navigate, pilot, steer GUIDE mark noun отметка, метка ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. проводник; гид; экскурсовод museum guide —- музейный гид, экскурсовод trustworthy guide —- надежный проводник a guide —- брать проводника to serve smb. as a guide —- быть чьим-либо гидом 2. руководящий принцип to take reason as one's guide —- руководствоваться соображениями рассудка if this is any guide —- если этим можно руководствоваться instinct is not always a safe guide —- не всегда можно руководствоваться инстинктом whim ans prejudice are poor guides —- прихоти и предрассудки - плохие советчики 3. ориентир, указатель it was a guide to the state of his feelings —- по этому (признаку) можно было судить о его чувствах as a rough guide —- грубо ориентировочно 4. руководитель; советчик to trust one's guide —- верить руководителю 5. образец, пример I took him as my guide —- я старался во всем подражать ему let this be a guide to you —- пусть это служит вам примером 6. редк. опекун 7. путеводитель; руководство, учебник; инструкция a G. to the British Museum —- путеводитель по Британскому музею a G. to English Grammar —- учебник английской грамматики guide to poultry keeping —- руководство по птицеводству radiation protecion guide —- руководство по радиационной защите railway guide —- железнодорожный указатель guide to photography —- справочник по фотографии, справочник фотографа 8. нормы radioactivity concentration guides —- нормы...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1. сущ. 1) проводник, направляющий 2) управляющий, руководящий принцип 3) путеводитель • - audit guide - consumer guide 2. гл. 1) руководить, управлять 2) направлять ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) проводка (прокатного стана) 2) направляющая (деталь) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1) абрисный 2) вести 3) волновод 4) гид 5) гидировочный 6) гонок 7) ловитель 8) наводить 9) направитель 10) направить 11) направление 12) направлять 13) направляющая 14) направляющий 15) проводник 16) проводка 17) руководство 18) световод 19) следоуказатель 20) управлять guide card through — направляющая для вставки плат guide rolling mill — прокатный стан с проводками guide vane assembly — машиностр. аппарат направляющий guide wheel rim — венец направляющего колеса metal-clad light guide — световод с металлическим покрытием thread guide eye — глазок нитеводителя thread guide rail — направляющий брус turning from guide — обточка по шаблону - atmospheric guide - circular guide - concave guide - delivery guide - entry guide - floor guide - guide bolt - guide book - guide bushing - guide chain - guide copy - guide fence - guide mark - guide needle - guide pin - guide pulley - guide rod - guide roller - guide rolling - guide rope - guide scratch - guide shoe - guide star - guide vane - guide vanes - guide yoke - light guide - radiating guide - ridge guide - roll by guide - slow-wave guide - solid guide ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) направляющее устройство, направляющая 2) руководство; справочник 3) волновод – acoustic guide – armature guide – carriage guide – dielectric guide – electronic guide – female guide – fiber-light guide – fixed guide – handset guide – illumination guide – light guide – moving guide – printing head guide – radiating guide – reference guide – rotating tape guide – selection guide – side guide – vacuum guide ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  руководство; инструкция направляющее устройство, направляющая guide to concrete work guide to good practice guide to troubleshooting floor guide nib guide pipe guide safety service guide step-by-step guide to the progress of a project ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) направляющее устройство, направляющее приспособление, направляющая направлять 2) горн. проводник, направляющая (для клети или скипа) 3) направляющая линейка, проводка (в прокатном стане) 4) волновод 5) светопровод, световод 6) пищ. гонок (рассева) 7) трик. ушковая игла 8) швейн. направитель (для края детали); нитенаправитель; трик. нитепроводник 9) руководство - air-lubricated guide - air guide - air traffic guide - application guide - axlebox guide - bell guide - bottom pile guide - brake rod guide - buffer guide - cable guide - CAD user guide - card guide - circular guide - cloth guide - coke guide - collarette guide - color guide - concealed guide - container guide - cop guide - correction ribbon guide - cylinder guide - delivery side guides - dielectric-loaded guide - dielectric ridge guide - door guide - edge guide - female guide - fiber-optic guide - fiber guide - film guide - fixed guide - floor guide - folder set guide - friction twist guide - front guide - funnel guide - gradient guide - ground pillar guide - hem fold guide - high-strength seal guide - hollow-type guide - horn guide - index guide - intermediate guide - jacquard guide - journal guide - lance guide - lattice-type coke guide - light guide - maintenance guide - mandrel support guide - needle guide - optical guide - optic guide - overshot guide - paper guide - paper side guides - piping guide - piping cord guide - plate guide - programmer's guide - programmer guide - Raschel spot guide - reuse guide - ribbon lift guide - rod guide - roller guide - rotating tape guide - scanner guide - selection guide - self-centering side guide - side guide - sideguard-with-floor-friction-type guide - spout guide - spring guide - spring-loaded guide - sprocket guide - static finger entry guide - stationary...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a person who leads or shows the way, or directs the movements of a person or group. 2 a person who conducts travellers on tours etc. 3 a professional mountain-climber in charge of a group. 4 an adviser. 5 a directing principle or standard (one's feelings are a bad guide). 6 a book with essential information on a subject, esp. = GUIDEBOOK. 7 a thing marking a position or guiding the eye. 8 a soldier, vehicle, or ship whose position determines the movements of others. 9 Mech. a a bar, rod, etc., directing the motion of something. b a gauge etc. controlling a tool. 10 (Guide) Brit. a member of a girls' organization similar to the Scouts. --v.tr. 1 a act as guide to; lead or direct. b arrange the course of (events). 2 be the principle, motive, or ground of (an action, judgement, etc.). 3 direct the affairs of (a State etc.). Phrases and idioms guided missile a missile directed to its target by remote control or by equipment within itself. guide-dog a dog trained to guide a blind person. guide-rope a rope guiding the movement of a crane, airship, etc. Queen's (or King's) Guide a Guide (sense 10) who has reached the highest rank of proficiency. Derivatives guidable adj. guider n. Etymology: ME f. OF guide (n.), guider (v.), earlier guier ult. f. Gmc, rel. to WIT(2) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English gide, ~, from Anglo-French, from Old Occitan guida, of Germanic origin; akin to Old English witan to look after, witan to know — more at wit  Date: 14th century  1.  a. one that leads or directs another's way  b. a person who exhibits and explains points of interest  c. something that provides a person with guiding information  d. signpost 1  e. a person who directs another's conduct or course of life  2.  a. a device for steadying or directing the motion of something  b. a ring or loop for holding the line of a fishing rod in position  c. a sheet or a card with projecting tab for labeling inserted in a card index to facilitate reference  3. a member of a unit on whom the movements or alignments of a military command are regulated — used especially in commands ~ right  II. verb  (~d; guiding)  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to act as a ~ to ; direct in a way or course  2.  a. to direct, supervise, or influence usually to a particular end  b. to superintend the training or instruction of  intransitive verb to act or work as a ~  • ~r noun Synonyms:  ~, lead, steer, pilot, engineer mean to direct in a course or show the way to be followed. ~ implies intimate knowledge of the way and of all its difficulties and dangers ~d the scouts through the cave. lead implies showing the way and often keeping those that follow under control and in order led his team to victory. steer implies an ability to keep to a course and stresses the capacity of maneuvering correctly steered the ship through a narrow channel. pilot suggests guidance over a dangerous or complicated course piloted the bill through the Senate. engineer implies finding ways to avoid or overcome difficulties in achieving an end or carrying out a plan engineered his son's election to the governorship. ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (Guides) 1. In Britain, the Guides is an organization for girls which teaches them to become practical and independent. The Guides used to be called the Girl Guides. In the United States, there is a similar organization called the Girl Scouts. N-PROPER-COLL: the N 2. In Britain, a Guide is a girl who is a member of the Guides. N-COUNT GUIDE (guides, guiding, guided) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A guide is a book that gives you information or instructions to help you do or understand something. Our 10-page guide will help you to change your life for the better. ...the Pocket Guide to Butterflies of Britain and Europe. = guidebook N-COUNT; N-IN-NAMES 2. A guide is a book that gives tourists information about a town, area, or country. The Rough Guide to Paris lists accommodation for as little as ?25 a night. = guidebook N-COUNT; N-IN-NAMES 3. A guide is someone who shows tourists around places such as museums or cities. We’ve arranged a walking tour of the city with your guide. N-COUNT 4. If you guide someone around a city, museum, or building, you show it to them and explain points of interest. ...a young Egyptologist who guided us through tombs and temples with enthusiasm... There will be guided walks around the site. VERB: V n adv/prep, V-ed see also guided tour 5. A guide is someone who shows people the way to a place in a difficult or dangerous region. The mountain people say that, with guides, the journey can be done in fourteen days. N-COUNT 6. A guide is something that can be used to help you plan your actions or to form an opinion about something. As a rough guide, a horse needs 2.5 per cent of his body weight in food every day... When selecting fresh fish, let your taste buds be your guide. N-COUNT: usu sing 7. If you guide someone somewhere, you go there with them in order to show them the way. He took the bewildered Elliott by the arm and guided him out... = lead VERB: V n adv/prep 8. If you guide a...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »PERSON« a) someone who shows you the way to a place, especially someone whose job is to show a place to tourists  (a tour guide) b) someone who advises you and influences the way you live and behave  (The medicine man was the tribe's spiritual guide.) 2 »FOR JUDGING STH« something that provides information on which you can base your judgement, or your method of doing something  (The opinion polls are not a very reliable guide to how people will vote.) 3 »BOOK« a) a book that provides information on a particular subject or explains how to do something; handbook  (a guide to North American birds) b) a guidebook 4 »GIRL« BrE a) the Guides the Guides Association, which trains girls in practical skills and tries to develop their character b) a member of the Guides Association ~2 v 1 to take someone through or to a place that you know very well, showing them the way + along/through/to etc  (He guided us through the narrow streets to the central mosque.) 2 to help someone to move in a particular direction  (She took her friend's arm to guide her.) 3 to strongly influence someone's behaviour, thoughts etc  (He let himself be guided by his mother's opinion.) 4 to show someone the right way to do something, especially something difficult or complicated  (guide sb through)  (We need a lawyer to guide us through the procedure.)  (- see also guiding, -see lead1) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  univ. abbr. Griffith University Internet Document Expediter softw. abbr. Gnu Utilities Integrated Development Environment gen. comp. abbr. Graphical User Interface Design Environment network. abbr. Global Uniform Interoperable Data Exchange pos. abbr. General Unemployment Insurance Development Effort ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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